Senin, 18 Juli 2022
The globalization is advancement of science and technology has led to competition in various fields, which require people of Indonesia to establish itself in the improvement of the quality and superior human resources, capable of highly competitive, master of science, technology, and have a high work ethic. Quality of human embodiment is the responsibility of education, especially in preparing students to be the subject of an increasingly instrumental, featuring advantages
tough, creative, independent, and professional in their respective fields.
In Indonesia, early childhood / kindergarten must carry out their duties and functions of his sincerity to achieve national objectives as stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System and an explanation in Chapter II, Article 3 that: Education serves to develop skills and form character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing students' potentials in order to be a man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, independent and become citizens of a democratic and accountable.
Functionally, education is basically aimed at preparing people for the future that is more prosperous lives, both as individuals and collectively as a community, nation or community of nations. For believers, the future of life in the world and includes a view of a happy life days later.
Today, the hot issue in education is about the implementation of Early Childhood Education (ECD). With the enactment of Law No. 29 Year 2003, the system of education in Indonesia now consists of early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education, and higher education, all of which constitute a systemic unity. ECD held before primary education.
Early education is one key to overcome the adversity of the nation, especially in the preliminary reliable human resource later. Various studies in neurology shows, if the child is stimulated from an early age, it will be found genius (potential best / superior) in him. Every child has the unlimited ability to learn (limitless capacity to learn) that interen (existing) in him to think creatively and productively. Therefore, children need educational programs that can unlock the hidden capacity (unlocking the capacity) through meaningful learning as early as possible. If the potential in children was never realized, then it means that the child has lost opportunities and momentum is important in life, and in turn, the State will lose the best human resources.
According Sudradjat (Setiyani, 2009: 22) "It should be understood that the child has such potential can only thrive when given a stimulus, guidance, assistance and treatment in accordance with the rate of growth and development". For it is wise if we as adults are parents, teachers or other adults (counselors / caregivers) who were around the child can do and treat children not as "miniature adults", but can treat it as a small creature that is believed to have the potential to develop.
The average age at least early age range 1-6 years. In early childhood, children's learning opportunities and curriculum age-appropriate learning every level. Intended that all early childhood programs early childhood (ages 0-6 years), both men and women have the opportunity to grow and develop optimally according to its potential, according to the stages of development or their age level. Early childhood education is also a preparation to attend primary school education. More specifically, the program aims to improve access to and quality of education services through formal channels such as Kindergarten (TK), Raudhatul RA (RA) and other equivalent forms, as well as non-formal education pathways shaped Playgroup (KB), TPA (TPA) or other equivalent forms, and informal channels form a family education or training organized by the environment.
Guidance to early childhood education units will require the existence of a framework curriculum management and early childhood competency standards that apply nationally. The basic framework and curriculum management competency standards are the guidelines referenced in the running for a management education curriculum. The goal is to enhance copyright child and raced to learn about an assortment of science through tact value approach, religious, social, emotional, physical / motor, cognitive, language, art, and independence. All are designed in order to develop the intellect and the role of the child in his life. All learning is packaged in a model of learning while playing.
Based on a variety of reality which has been described above, the writer would like to see direct services and activities that include early childhood curriculum management program run by each ECD in Cluster III Want UPTD Blang Bintang Jaya Aceh Besar district in order to reach the target and obtain optimal results and will impact members positive for improving the quality of which is located in the rural areas.
A. Research approach
This study used a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. This approach is used to study the problems and gain in-depth meaning of the effectiveness of management ECD Force III UPTD Blang Bintang Jaya Want Aceh Besar district. Bogdan and Taylor (Moleong, 2007: 3) says that "The methodology is qualitative research procedures which produce descriptive data in the form of words written and spoken of the people and observed behavior". While Sukardi (2008: 157) says that "descriptive research is generally done with the main objective to systematically describe the facts and characteristics of the object or subject".
Qualitative research conducted in the state of nature and nature discovery. In qualitative research, the researcher is the key instrument. Therefore, researchers should have the provision theory and insight so you can ask, analyze, and construct the object studied to become clearer. This study emphasizes the meaning and value attached. Qualitative research is used if the problem is not clear, to find the hidden meaning, to understand social interactions, to develop a theory, to ensure accuracy of data, and examine the historical development.
Management is an aspect that humans use to assess efforts to integrate people to cooperate in efforts to achieve a better life. Management can be applied in all activities. Management is universal and is a systematic knowledge framework, which raised about the rules, principles and concepts of management.
Here the authors describe the results of the interview head TK Babussa'adah to plan in advance planning of teaching and learning in class as follows:
"One of the strategic planning process of teaching and learning in class, planning to head kindergarten teacher Babussa'adah surrogate for Learning Program Plan (RPP) as one measure of the impact of maturity plan learning in class."
Based on the interview with the head of the kindergarten Babussa'adah can be concluded that the Learning Programme Plan (RPP) is one bentukterwujudnya Babussa'adah management planning in kindergarten. There is guidance and communication in Learning Programme Plan (RPP) between Kindergarten head teacher Babussa'adah and surrogate can see and understand the feelings, attitudes, and needs of teachers in the learning process.
After the planning stage are conducted, the next step is organizing, organizations are composing and arranging various elements of resource and environmental organizations so they can achieve maximum results. In this case we need to avoid stringing two or more substances are conflicting or contradictory so will weaken each other. It is precisely what we were looking for and bundle are elements that can support each other and support, so the results will further strengthen these elements together, or commonly referred to as "synergistic".
Here the authors describe the results of an interview with one of the kindergarten teachers Al Munawwarah in achieving good organization, allowing an increase in the quality of education in early childhood / kindergarten as follows:
The main prerequisite to improve the quality of education is the availability of educators / teachers are creative and innovative, especially in the era of globalization into full competition. An educator should be able to create a conducive learning climate for students, he worked with the mood loving, sincere and patient, which in turn will produce students who love to learn actively compliant.
Based on the interview with one of the early childhood teachers Atthahirah Al Islami can be concluded that the background in early childhood teacher education in Blang star cluster varies. Educational background is from the SPGTK, DII PGTK, and Bachelor. In recruiting teachers is done by giving announcements and generally a lot of candidates who come in person to apply. Leadership early childhood teachers will select a suitable and qualified for early childhood educators. Of course it will also be seen from the background of prospective teachers, early childhood educators because the candidate must have knowledge of the child's development, have compassion for children, patience and not arrogant or conceited.
Implementation of education on Cluster III Want UPTD Blang Bintang Jaya Aceh Besar district made based on the program of activities that have been arranged so that all the conditioning and basic skills can be developed dapa children well. However oriented learning child development, would be good if their physical needs are met and meresa psychologically safe and secure. Oriented to the needs of early childhood is children who are in need of educational efforts to achieve the optimization of all aspects of the development of both physical and psychological development. Playing while learning or learning while playing. Playing is learning approaches in conducting both the kindergarten and child play group.
As for being one of the chief obstacles in the implementation of the management of early childhood / kindergarten in fostering kindergarten teacher Al Munawwarah, Al Islami Atthahirah early childhood and kindergarten Babussa'adah can be seen from the results of interviews with some of the chief authors Cluster Region III Want UPTD Blang Bintang Jaya Aceh Besar district as follows:
Barriers experienced heads early childhood / kindergarten teacher education qualification is built, there are still teachers in Region III UPTD Force Blang Bintang Jaya Want Aceh Besar district has not certified S-1. This will increase the burden for the head of early childhood / kindergarten teachers with limited disruption to the teaching and learning process because science has grown exponentially in accordance with the times, especially in Aceh.
Based on the interview with the head in the Region III UPTD Force Blang Bintang Jaya Want Aceh Besar district can be said that the obstacles faced by the principal is the educational qualification of teachers in Region III UPTD Force Blang Bintang Jaya Want Aceh Besar district levels are still minimal S-1 . Head early childhood / kindergarten has sought to encourage and motivate teachers binaanya order to continue their education to a higher level. In the thinking of teachers of teachers in Region III UPTD Force Blang Bintang Jaya Want Aceh Besar district who have a certain level no longer wish to continue their education to a higher level due to lack of funding, age teacher and master of science and technology that is increasingly growing .
Early childhood education is an educational program geared towards teaching children according to age and be able to explore the potential of kids, so it can be packed in a life in the future. The aim is to stimulate and support the growth and development of the physical and spiritual so that children have the readiness to enter further education. Developing potential and creativity of children in accordance with the characteristics of the development to be able to adjust to the environment. Here the authors describe the results of an interview with the head of the kindergarten Babussa'adah in the assessment of child development is the final stage of the implementation of the early childhood learning management. Activities and aspects of the assessment conducted in kindergarten Babussa'adah are as follows:
a. Behavior (prayer before and after meals, carry out activities in an orderly marching, singing songs such as greetings keagaamaan, bismillah, etc.).
b. Cognitive (clumsiness an image, cutting out images, classifying the type or size of objects, etc.).
c. Physical motor (take care of themselves without help, such as taking care of books, a cake, feed themselves, tidy up equipment etc.).
d. Islamic Education (read the prayer before and after meals, hijaiyah literate, familiar with Al-Fatiha, short prayers and others).
e. Language (imitating animal sounds, mentioning the five senses, and others)
f. Art (drawing and coloring others.
Based on the interview with the head of the kindergarten Babussa'adah can be concluded that education at an early age requires a conditioning environment encourages creativity. Environment must be created to make it more fun and give comfort to a child's learning. The process of learning in early childhood must integrate the various aspects of learning, by the use of interesting themes and to develop student interest and contextual.
Based on the results obtained from observation, interviews and documentary study and the results of the discussion of the effectiveness of early childhood education in the Territory Management Cluster at Blang Bintang Jaya UPTD III Want Aceh Besar district then as the closing of this research report, following the author presents some conclusions, implications and suggestions as follows:
1. Lack of lesson planning is done by the head of the kindergarten / early childhood on Cluster III Want UPTD Blang Bintang Jaya Aceh Besar district consists of manufacturing activities and the implementation plan learning syllabus included a number of aspects of the reference to learning, including behavioral, cognitive, physical motor skills, language and art. Planning the curriculum was implemented at the beginning of the semester and apply one semester.
2. The lack of coordination in early childhood education teaching force in UPTD III Blang Bintang Jaya Want Aceh Besar district conducted by the head of the kindergarten / early childhood education and lack of knowledge of teachers in the kindergarten / early childhood in Cluster III Want UPTD Blang Bintang Jaya Aceh Besar district.
3. Lack of interest in conducting innovative principals that guided CTL activity program that had been developed, but are still not touching the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The lack of equipment and lack of educational games education teachers can interfere with the learning process of the implementation of the Cluster Blang Bintang Jaya UPTD III Want Aceh Besar district.
4. Assessment of learning in clusters on UPTD III Blang Bintang Jaya Want Aceh Besar district is not done gradually by the head of the early childhood / kindergarten teachers to target, the lack of supervision of the supervisor to the chief kindergarten / early childhood have an impact on the implementation of learning in kindergarten / early childhood education at Blang Bintang Force III UPTD want Jaya Aceh Besar district.
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